Thursday, May 30, 2013

Four days to go!

Only four days to go until the official release of L'Amour Actually.  Cheeky Amazon has already sent out copies to people who pre-ordered but on the plus side it means I've had my first review before the book is officially released. And it was a 5 star one.

And for your delight and delectation, here it is:

He held up the X-ray to the light, so I could see it.
"Look, you have a mobile phone embedded in your brain. No wonder your head hurts," he smiled.

L'Amour Actually is a fabulously fun frolic which gives the reader a delightfully humorous portrayal of the reality of living the "French dream" through the eyes of our hapless yet hopeful heroine, Melanie Jones. Despite having the good fortune to snap up the only good looking farmer in France still in possession of all his own teeth, Melanie lurches from one farcical situation to another, often in an unfortunate state of undress. Disappearing elderly cats, semi-naked morbidly obese chickens, bulbous-bottomed line dancers, myriad medical mishaps, an Essex girl with a lethal right-hook and a frighteningly true-to-life eccentric British ex-pat community - combined with a liberal sprinkling of sublimely witty one-liners - make this compulsive reading. Crack open a nicely chilled bottle of rosé, curl up on your favourite armchair and enjoy...

You can order your copy here

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Nearly there!

It's just over three weeks until L'Amour Actually is launched on an unsuspecting world with its new cover and hopefully no typos!

Today the lovely people at Summersdale sent me a photo of my book as a real, proper book. My own copy should be with me in a few days. I can't wait. And just so you don't have to, here it is!

and in some fine company too!